Clarity Development has extensive experience with Tax Increment Financing (TIF), Low Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC) – particularly the 4% Credit and tax-exempt bonds, Historic Tax Credits (HTC) – both state and federal, New Market Tax Credits (NMTC), EB-5 (both direct investment and through Regional Centers), HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) grants, Community Development Block Grants (CDBG), and Federal Home Loan Bank's (FHLB) Affordable Housing Program.


  • Advise the client regarding the optimal financing sources and structure for a project

  • Spearhead efforts to obtain favorable debt terms from private and governmental lenders and secure equity from local, state and federal tax credits and other subsidies by working with syndicators, investors, and other stakeholders


  • Engage and oversee architects and engineers in the preparation of documents and specifications that may be required in connection with the development of a project

  • Engage a reputable general contractor and negotiate a construction contract in an amount not to exceed a construction budget approved by the client

  • Administration and supervision of activities of the general contractor, subcontractor and other employed in the construction of the project

  • Prepare and submit a construction budget and make recommendations to the client regarding necessary modifications


  • Manage the entitlement process including meeting with local and state officials relating to zoning and other entitlement-related issues